How To Respond To ‘What’s New With You?’

Shania Mae


Picture this: you’re meeting an old friend or joining a conference call at work, and after the exchange of usual greetings, there it is – “So, what’s new with you?”

What do you say?

Should you go into the minor details of your everyday life or take a creative leap?

This blog post is here to guide you!

What Does It Mean When Someone Says “What’s New With You?”

This seemingly simple question is actually a bridge from trivial small talk to a potentially engaging conversation. But why do people ask it? Let’s explore.

1. They Want to Catch Up

When someone asks, “What’s new with you?” often, they genuinely want to understand what has been happening in your life since your last interaction. This question is their way of reaching out, inviting you to share your recent experiences, achievements, or adventures.

2. Curiosity About Your Life

Maybe your friend or colleague is genuinely intrigued by your life. Whether it’s admiration or a simple interest in other people’s lives, this question offers a glimpse into your world.

3. They Want to Connect on a Deeper Level

For some, this question isn’t just about catching up or satisfying their curiosity. They want to connect on a more profound level. Your response might uncover shared experiences, interests, or emotions that can deepen your relationship.

4. Filling the Silence

At times, “What’s new with you?” is merely a tool to dispel an awkward silence. It’s a conversation saver, an open-ended query that can steer the dialogue down a myriad of paths.

5. It’s Just a Polite Convention

And sometimes, the question is part of a routine, much like the customary “How are you?” It’s a socially accepted norm, a polite gesture more than anything.

25 Best Responses to “What’s New With You?”

Now that we have explored the reasons behind this question, let’s dive into some creative, amusing, and thought-provoking responses!

1. “Just Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse.”

Inject a dose of humor into the conversation and see where it takes you! This is a quirky way to say that you’re simply carrying on with life.

2. “Learning to Cook French Cuisine. Fancy being my guinea pig?”

Revealing a new hobby or interest can make the conversation more engaging, especially if you involve the other person in your adventure.

7. “Recently started moonlighting as a superhero. Still working on my cape though.”

This playful response invites intrigue and light-hearted banter.

8. “Just perfecting my latte art. I can now draw a squiggly line instead of a blob!”

Sharing a new skill or hobby can give the conversation a fun twist.

9. “Turned my living room into a yoga studio. Namaste!”

An answer like this invites further questions and shared interests.

10. “Building a time machine. It’s about time, isn’t it?”

This response, full of whimsy, can evoke a chuckle and light-hearted banter.

11. “Becoming fluent in gibberish. You should hear my accent!”

A quirky answer like this can make the conversation more enjoyable.

12. “Teaching my dog how to sing. He’s a quick learner, you know.”

This is a light-hearted way to share something personal about your life.

13. “Just entered a wormhole. Now I am my own grandparent.”

This response, full of imagination, can be a conversation starter.

14. “I’m trying out different bubble bath scents. Lavender is leading right now.”

This answer can spark a conversation about personal care and relaxation techniques.

15. “Doing an intensive study on the snooze button. So far, the results are alarming!”

This humorous answer can evoke a chuckle and shared experiences.

16. “Catching up on Netflix. I feel like a cultural anthropologist!”

This response allows the conversation to pivot to popular culture or recent shows.

17. “Exploring the fascinating world of underwater basket weaving.”

A whimsical answer like this can make the conversation more engaging and fun.

18. “Taking salsa lessons online. My furniture has never been more terrified!”

This playful answer can ignite a discussion about music, dance, or new hobbies.

19. “Reading a book about anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down!”

This humorous reply can create a lively conversation about recent reads.

20. “Trying my hand at origami. My room is full of paper cranes.”

This response invites further discussion about hobbies and creative pursuits.

21. “Just won a lifetime supply of chocolate. Dreams really do come true!”

This delightful answer can lighten the mood and steer the conversation toward personal dreams and aspirations.

22. “I’m mastering the art of napping. Sleep is the new hustle!”

A response like this can lead to a conversation about self-care and rest.

23. “Training to be a ninja. But you didn’t hear it from me.”

This entertaining answer can lead to laughter and shared imaginary tales.

24. “Working on my novel. It’s a thriller about a rogue stapler.”

This creative response can spark curiosity and a discussion about writing or favorite books.

25. “Just graduated from Clown College. I mastered the art of juggling.”

This whimsical answer can provoke a chuckle and perhaps a shared story or two.

Remember, when someone asks, “What’s new with you?”, they’re offering an invitation to connect. Whether they’re genuinely curious, seeking a deeper connection, filling an awkward silence, or just following social norms, it’s an opportunity for you to share and engage.

Using creative responses can infuse humor and interest into the conversation, leading to more meaningful and enjoyable exchanges. So next time, take a leap from the usual “Not much” and explore a more creative path!

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