How to Respond to Hate Comments

Shania Mae


Ah, the internet – an incredibly resourceful platform that gives everyone a voice, including those who prefer to use theirs for negativity, i.e., the infamous online trolls. They might not know you, your story, or your struggles, but they’re always there with an armory of hate comments.

Luckily, we’re here today with some savvy strategies to deal with this problem, including 25 sparkling responses that will ensure you’re never at a loss for words again.

What does it mean when someone leaves a hate comment?

Before we dig into our list of creative responses, let’s take a moment to understand what might be behind those hate comments. While it’s unfortunate that some individuals choose to spread negativity, it’s essential to recognize that their actions often stem from personal reasons.

So, let’s explore a few logical reasons why someone might leave a hate comment.

Jealousy or insecurity

Hate comments can sometimes stem from jealousy or feelings of insecurity. When people see others succeeding or being happy, it can trigger negative emotions within them. Instead of celebrating someone else’s accomplishments, they resort to hateful words as a misguided way to cope with their own insecurities.

Anonymous venting

The online world provides a certain level of anonymity that allows people to express themselves more freely. Unfortunately, this anonymity can lead to individuals venting their frustrations and anger in ways they wouldn’t dare in a face-to-face interaction. Hate comments may serve as a release for their pent-up emotions, though it is not a healthy or constructive way to express oneself.

Seeking attention

Some individuals crave attention, even if it means resorting to negative means. Leaving hate comments can be a way for them to attract attention to themselves, stirring up controversy and engaging in online conflicts. They may feel a temporary sense of power or satisfaction from eliciting a response or causing a stir.

Misguided beliefs or ideologies

Certain hate comments may stem from individuals holding strong, misguided beliefs or ideologies. They may be deeply entrenched in their opinions and feel compelled to express them aggressively. While it’s important to stand up against hate, engaging in a respectful and constructive dialogue may be more effective in challenging their beliefs.

Personal issues or unresolved trauma

Hate comments can also be a reflection of personal issues or unresolved trauma within the individual leaving the comment. They may be projecting their own pain onto others, using hate as a coping mechanism or a way to divert attention from their own struggles.

Regardless of the reason, it can be disheartening. However, armed with the right knowledge, you can approach these with resilience, and yes, even humor.

Now that we’ve explored some logical reasons behind hate comments, let’s move on to the exciting part—crafting your response!

25 Best Responses to Hate Comments

Before we jump into our stellar list of responses, remember that the most powerful weapon against negativity is a positive attitude. You can’t control others, but you can definitely control your reactions. So buckle up and get ready to laugh, think, and retort!

1. “Thank you for your perspective.”

This response is the embodiment of ‘killing them with kindness.’ It acknowledges the comment without condoning the negativity and highlights your maturity.

2. “Hmm, interesting point of view!”

When you’re unsure of how to respond, presenting a noncommittal but polite reply can put the ball back in their court.

3. “You seem upset, hope your day gets better!”

This cheeky reply subtly highlights their negative attitude while conveying your positive vibes.

4. “Have a fantastic day!”

Sometimes the best response is wishing them well, an unexpected and positively disarming retort.

5. “Your words have been duly noted.”

This is a polite way of saying, “I hear you, but I’m choosing not to engage with your negativity.”

6. “I’m sorry you feel that way.”

Empathy can sometimes be the best response, acknowledging their emotions without feeding the troll.

7. “Could you clarify what you mean?”

Asking for clarification can put the commenter on the spot, encouraging them to rethink their statement.

8. “Sorry, could you rephrase that?”

This reply, while polite, subtly suggests that their comment wasn’t worth comprehending the first time.

9. “Your input is as valuable as a chocolate teapot.”

A funny and sarcastic way of stating that their comment isn’t very useful.

10. “My, we’re in a mood today, aren’t we?”

This light-hearted response points out their negativity without directly confronting them.

11. “Remember, even Rome wasn’t built in a day!”

This encouraging reminder can be a gentle nudge that you’re on a journey, and criticism doesn’t affect your pace.

12. “Is there anything positive you’d like to share?”

Prompting for positivity might just turn the conversation around.

13. “Just working on becoming a better version of myself.”

It’s a subtle way of saying that you’re focused on growth and not their negativity.

14. “If only I could care as much as you seem to!”

A little bit sassy, this one cheekily implies that their comment matters more to them than it does to you.

15. “I appreciate your knack for fiction.”

A clever way to imply that their comment is so far from the truth, it could be a great work of fiction.

16. “You’re proof that even clouds have a silver lining – thank you for the engagement!”

Turn their comment into a positive, reminding them that they’re boosting your online presence.

17. “It must be exhausting carrying around so much negativity.”

A thought-provoking response that questions the effect of their negativity on their well-being.

18. “I’ll add your comment to my ‘Things to Ponder’ list.”

A funny and nonchalant way to suggest that their comment isn’t a priority for you.

19. “Your feedback will be taken under consideration.”

This formal response adds a touch of humor while remaining cordial.

20. “It’s always nice to hear from fans. Thanks for your dedication!”

A sarcastic response, implying that their continued attention makes them seem like a fan.

21. “Sorry, but my energy is reserved for positive interactions.”

A classy way to sidestep the negativity and steer the conversation back to a positive tone.

22. “I love your passion, even if we don’t see eye to eye.”

This is an excellent way to validate their emotions without agreeing with their point of view.

23. “Well, aren’t you a ray of pitch black?”

A humorous response that playfully points out their negativity.

24. “Thanks for the motivation to do even better!”

Flip the script and treat their negativity as a driving force for your improvement.

25. “Did you know? Every comment boosts this post’s engagement. So, thanks for the support!”

Turn their negativity into a positive by highlighting how even hate comments inadvertently support you. It’s a classy way to let them know their efforts are backfiring.


In conclusion, those who throw ‘hate comments’ your way might be misinformed, seeking attention, or venting their frustrations. However, responding creatively not only showcases your resilience but can also make these interactions more engaging and less stressful.

The right response can diffuse tension, foster understanding, and even leave room for humor. Remember, you can’t please everyone, but you can always choose how you react. Now you’re fully equipped to tackle any hate comment with grace, wit, and a dash of sass!

Let’s make the online world a better place, one response at a time!

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