Home Responses Answers To “What Are You Doing This Weekend?”

Answers To “What Are You Doing This Weekend?”

sherly July 16, 2023

Ah, the classic, “So, what are you doing this weekend?” question. This is a common conversation starter we’ve all faced.

It might seem simple, but sometimes, when put on the spot, finding a creative and engaging response can be a challenge.

But worry not! This article is here to provide a variety of inventive, funny, and thought-provoking ways to answer this question.

What does it mean when someone says “What Are You Doing This Weekend?”

When someone asks, “What are you doing this weekend?”, it’s usually an attempt to know more about your plans, interests, hobbies, or to find a common ground for further conversation.

It could be a casual inquiry, a subtle way to ask for a date, or even a chance to plan a meet-up.

25 Best Responses to “What Are You Doing This Weekend?”

Let’s dive into the pool of creativity and explore 25 different responses to the question, “What are you doing this weekend?”

1. “I’m practicing for my future career as a couch potato.”

A humorous way of saying you plan to relax and do nothing.

2. “Going on a wild adventure…in the pages of a new book.”

A clever response for the book lovers out there.

3. “Planning to discover the secret of immortality. No biggie.”

A playful and hyperbolic way to keep things light and interesting.

4. “Trying to figure out the precise order of Netflix’s ‘Because you watched’ list.”

A funny, relatable response for anyone who enjoys a good streaming session.

5. “I’m considering whether to climb Mount Everest or the pile of laundry in my room.”

A humorous way to depict mundane tasks.

6. “Performing a concert for my neighbors… I hope they enjoy my shower singing.”

An amusing and slightly self-deprecating response.

7. “Traveling to a galaxy far, far away. Be right back.”

For the Star Wars fans, or those who like to dream big.

8. “Training for a marathon… a movie marathon.”

A funny way to disclose your love for movies.

9. “Exploring the undiscovered corners of my refrigerator.”

A relatable response for those who appreciate culinary delights.

10. “Going on a safari to find the remote control.”

A playful way to describe a common struggle in many households.

11. “Packing for a trip to the center of my mind. It’s a fascinating place.”

An intriguing response that can prompt deeper conversations.

12. “Catching up with my imaginary friend.”

A whimsical response that adds a touch of fantasy to the conversation.

13. “I plan to go on a deep dive into the sea of blankets on my bed.”

A humorous way to say you’re looking forward to a restful weekend.

14. “Working on my plan to take over the world.”

A dramatic and funny response for fans of the show “Pinky and the Brain.”

15. “I’m having a brainstorming session…with my cats.”

A quirky response, especially fitting for pet owners.

16. “Planning to beat my high score on ‘Doing Absolutely Nothing’.”

A light-hearted way to express your desire for a lazy weekend.

17. “Holding auditions for the role of my weekend buddy. Are you in?”

An engaging way to extend an invitation for a hangout.

18. “Studying for my PhD in Napping.”

A relatable response for those who value rest and relaxation.

19. “I’m practicing my telepathy skills. Wait, didn’t you receive my message?”

A playful way to make the conversation more fun and engaging.

20. “Going on a treasure hunt. The treasure? The TV remote.”

A humorous way to highlight a common household scenario.

21. “Finally attending the ‘Festival of Unfinished Series’ on my Netflix.”

A relatable response for anyone who enjoys streaming TV shows and movies.

22. “Venturing into the wild… known as ‘The Grocery Store.'”

A funny and relatable take on weekend errands.

23. “Working on my secret recipe for converting coffee into productive energy.”

A witty response perfect for coffee lovers.

24. “I’m off to Hogwarts. My owl finally delivered my acceptance letter.”

A magical response for the Harry Potter fans.

25. “Conducting a scientific experiment to prove that weekends pass faster.”

A humorous response encapsulating a universal sentiment about weekends.

It’s always a good idea to tailor your response to the person asking the question, the context, and your comfort level with them.

The main goal is to keep the conversation engaging, reflect a bit of your personality, and most importantly, have fun with it!

So, the next time someone asks, “What are you doing this weekend?”, you’ll be ready with a response that’s sure to raise a smile.

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