Home Responses Answers To “What Are You Doing After Work?”

Answers To “What Are You Doing After Work?”

sherly July 16, 2023

Ah, the age-old question, “What are you doing after work?” This question pops up frequently in casual conversation, especially among colleagues and friends.

The question is innocent enough, but how you answer can lead to a variety of outcomes, from planning a fun outing with colleagues to merely ending the conversation on a polite note.

Let’s delve into a few fun, creative, and thought-provoking ways to respond.

What does it mean when someone says “What Are You Doing After Work?”

When someone asks “What are you doing after work?”, they’re typically trying to understand more about your personal life, your interests, or maybe they’re trying to make plans to hang out.

It’s a pretty open-ended question that could be taken in many directions.

25 Best Responses to “What Are You Doing After Work?”

Here are some exciting and creative ways to respond to “What are you doing after work?”

1. “Just planning to work on my plan of not working.”

This witty response portrays a light-hearted approach towards your post-work hours.

2. “I’m on a mission to find the best pizza in town.”

A fun response that also opens the door for the questioner to join in the adventure if they wish.

3. “Heading straight home to my second job — being a couch potato.”

This playful answer showcases a humorous side while also conveying your intent to relax.

4. “Planning on going home and conducting a thorough investigation into my refrigerator.”

This humorous response may invite a chuckle and potentially an invite to a dinner plan.

5. “Hoping to finally master the art of making pasta from scratch.”

This response may spark an interesting conversation about cooking and hobbies.

6. “Going to the gym because my couch misses me when I’m gone too long.”

A humorous and clever response that suggests your commitment to fitness.

7. “I’m having a date… with my favorite book.”

An inviting response that might lead to a conversation about your favorite books or hobbies.

8. “Trying to decode the ending of the movie I watched yesterday.”

This response might lead to a chat about films and entertainment.

9. “Going to go home and probably argue with my pet about who’s the boss.”

This playful response could start an interesting conversation about pets.

10. “I’m planning on becoming a master chef. First lesson: instant noodles.”

A funny response showcasing your culinary skills, or lack thereof.

11. “Tonight, I am the honorary ambassador of Netflix.”

A humorous response that suggests your plans of a quiet evening with entertainment.

12. “Exploring the wild… also known as my laundry pile.”

A humorous way of stating your mundane yet essential after-work plans.

13. “Participating in a high-stakes match with my video game console.”

A playful response for video game enthusiasts.

14. “Heading to my favorite yoga class. I’m all about that zen life.”

A response that can lead to a conversation about fitness and relaxation.

15. “Turning into a superhero. My alter ego: The Pajama Avenger.”

A humorous and imaginative response showing your plans to relax.

16. “Bracing myself for the battle with my kids over bedtime.”

A realistic and relatable response for those with young children.

17. “Planning on perfecting the fine art of doing absolutely nothing.”

A humorous way to convey that you’re looking forward to some relaxation time.

18. “Planning to invent a time machine. Step one: Google ‘how to build a time machine.'”

A funny response that will likely elicit a laugh.

19. “Well, my sofa and I have a standing appointment to watch the sunset.”

A nice response that reveals your plans to relax at home.

20. “Attempting to cook a new recipe. If you don’t hear from me tomorrow, it didn’t go well.”

A humorous response that could spark a conversation about culinary adventures.

21. “Solving the mystery of the lost sock in the laundry.”

A playful answer reflecting on a common household dilemma.

22. “Meeting up with some friends for a trivia night. You’re welcome to join!”

An inviting response that may lead to making plans together.

23. “Embarking on a thrilling adventure, AKA grocery shopping.”

A light-hearted response that infuses humor into an everyday task.

24. “I’m off to a party… with my plants. They’re pretty ‘rooted’ individuals.”

A punny response that can lead to a conversation about hobbies.

25. “Planning to reunite with my long-lost love, also known as my bed.”

A relatable and funny response for anyone who cherishes their sleep.

The way you answer the question “What are you doing after work?” can lead to more engaging discussions or potential plans.

Next time you hear this question, try one of these creative responses. You never know where the conversation might lead!

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