Home Responses How To Respond To ‘You’re Too Kind’

How To Respond To ‘You’re Too Kind’

Shania July 14, 2023

When someone tells you “You’re too kind,” it’s an acknowledgment of your graciousness and good deeds.

How do you respond to this compliment without sounding cliché or missing a beat?

This guide will walk you through a variety of creative ways to respond to this often heartwarming compliment.

What does it mean when someone says “you’re too kind”?

When someone tells you “you’re too kind,” they’re appreciating your generosity, empathy, or thoughtfulness.

It’s a compliment that shows your actions or words have touched them positively. Finding a suitable response can sometimes be tricky, so let’s look at some clever responses.

25 Best Responses to ‘You’re Too Kind’

Responding to this compliment depends on your relationship with the person and the situation. Here are 25 responses that might come in handy next time!

1. “Well, I learned from the best!”

A response that compliments the complimenter and gives them some credit.

2. “Kindness is free, so I give it away a lot.”

This response subtly suggests a philosophy of life and acknowledges the compliment.

3. “I’m trying to keep up with you.”

This is a lighthearted and humble way to return the compliment.

4. “Thank you, I’m just reflecting your kindness.”

An excellent way to acknowledge the compliment and also compliment them in return.

5. “I believe kindness is a virtue.”

A more serious response that indicates your moral compass.

6. “Kindness is my default setting.”

This humorous response accepts the compliment and adds a techy twist.

7. “You’re not so bad yourself!”

A playful way to reciprocate the compliment.

8. “Thank you! I guess it’s just my nature.”

A modest and straightforward acknowledgment of the compliment.

9. “I try my best to spread positivity.”

This response focuses on your aim to spread kindness and positivity.

10. “You caught me on a good day.”

A fun, lighthearted response suggesting that you might not always be so kind.

11. “I learned it from my grandma/grandpa.”

A cute response that pays tribute to the elders in your family.

12. “The world could use more kindness, don’t you think?”

A thoughtful response that directs the conversation towards a broader perspective.

13. “Thank you, but there’s no such thing as being too kind.”

A philosophical response that challenges the notion of excessive kindness.

14. “It’s just how I roll!”

A fun and casual way to accept the compliment.

15. “Thank you, I strive to be kind.”

A humble response indicating your conscious effort to be kind.

16. “Kindness is the best gift one can give.”

A profound response that emphasizes the importance of kindness.

17. “Thanks, I think kindness is contagious!”

A lighthearted response suggesting their kindness has rubbed off on you.

18. “I believe in treating others how I’d like to be treated.”

This response highlights the golden rule as your guiding principle.

19. “That’s because you bring out the best in people.”

This response gracefully returns the compliment.

20. “It’s hard not to be kind with people like you around.”

A sweet and thoughtful response that makes them feel appreciated.

21. “Thank you! Your words are too kind.”

A gracious response that flips the compliment back to them.

22. “I find kindness is the key to a happy life.”

A profound response that emphasizes your life philosophy.

23. “I guess kindness is my superpower!”

A playful and imaginative response that accepts the compliment.

24. “Well, I can’t help being a kind soul.”

A humble response that acknowledges your inherent nature.

25. “Thank you, your appreciation means a lot to me.”

A sincere response that shows your gratitude for their compliment.


Being told “You’re too kind” is a heartwarming compliment that reflects positively on your character. The key to responding lies in your comfort, authenticity, and the context of the situation.

Remember, a confident and well-placed response can turn a simple exchange into an engaging conversation or a memorable moment.

Shania Mae

Hello, I'm Shania! I love transforming everyday talk into witty and insightful discussions. I'm passionate about the power of words to spark creativity and connections. When I'm not writing, you'll find me in a cozy café, reading a book, or on a yoga mat.

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